Friday, 16 September 2011

Smoked Chicken Mouthfuls-Attack

I had this on my first cruise day and loved the cucumber

I went shopping and saw this lovely smoked turkey breast and knew there was a recipe in the Dukan recipe book by Dr Pierre Dukan that uses these. I decided to try making smoked chicken mouthfuls.

Smoked Chicken Mouthfuls

The recipe uses shallots .. I used spring onion. It uses chives I do not have any but figure that I will work out how to use a substitute and that the spring onion may do.

Dukan give the advise that this will take 45 minutes to prepare.. He does not mention that difficulty level and artistry that is needed is quite high.

What he would like you to do is to make 20 galletes using just egg whites.. 7 to be precise.. So first I figure that is a waste and I use three whole eggs instead.. Its on Dukan.. Then I add the corn flower.. Its at this stage I realise I am meant to make 20 Gallettes with them. So I start,.. I make three.. and eat them.. I was apparently mean to keep them warm, make the filling and then hand tie them with gently softened boiled chives...

I don't think so.. I have house to run and belly to fill. I am not having canapés at the pool after.
So I decide to make a Omelette and then make the filling which is heated Shallots( spring onions) and chicken breasts mushrooms and added fromage frais ( which kind of curdles.. ( it did say to lower the heat on this one)

Anyway I ended up with a lovely omelette ( as my gallete never quite take on any form that could be anything else)

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