Ok .. Here goes.. I can cook and brought the Dukan Reciepe book. and that's the complication.. Firstly I downloaded the book from audible.com and it was great until I got to the second part which was a audible recipe book.. Obviously that does not work .. unless one has great short hand or a super memory.. Also I like to flick through book ( preferably with pictures which this one does not have. Where possible I shall use my I Pod Touch to create pictures,
I brought the book at WH Smith for £14.99.. It is a thick book and starts of with enough about the diet to get one going really.
But the recipes phase me.. I went into Sainsbury's and asked for Veal,, that was difficult enough... But the first recipe asks for liquid sweetener. What that?!!
Not to be put of it is my resolve to try every recipe in the book and comment here on it. I thought very hard about the methodology of this and know I cannot start with the first recipe.. the liquid sweetener is a problem in itself.
As Dukan is meant to be for life.. I really embracing this and want to get all these new recipes under my belt as the notches decrease.
I weighed 23st 8 t my heaviest and today after 5 days of attack and 2 days on Consolidation I weigh 22st 9.5, So I know this works.. Just have to keep at it.
Here is my first attempt at Dukan Bread
The recipe is broken down into times so this helps... But I wonder what type of yeast ( I used fast acting dried yeast) Dukan uses as the first attempt at this left me eating a omelette really.. ( but I must admit I did not measure the pan according to the precise instructions) or use quark( could not find it)
So it would appear to do this recipe I will also need a tape measure and Quark.. |I will pot back when I have done this recipe again. Luckily for me I can do without bread and love meat so in some ways this diet is ideal!